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Napred Partizan!

Partizan in world media


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In this topic Webcrew will post the articles and texts about Partizan from world media. The topic is mainly dedicated to our international friends and non-Serbian speakers.

Former Chelsea midfielder Slavisa Jokanovic is new Partizan coach


The Associated Press

Former Chelsea midfielder Slavisa Jokanovic is the new Partizan Belgrade coach.

Jokanovic was named Tuesday to replace Miroslav Djukic, a former Yugoslavia defender who earlier this month resigned as Partizan coach and is widely tipped to take over Serbia's national team.

This will be the first coaching position for the 39-year-old Jokanovic who played for Chelsea in the 2000-01 season. He also played for Partizan and Spanish club Deportivo La Coruna in the 1990s.

Partizan leads the domestic league standings, six points ahead of crosstown rival Red Star Belgrade.


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The Sun

Ones to watch in 2008

SunSport profiles 20 players who are set to make their mark on the beautiful game.

Stevan Jovetic, 18, Partizan Belgrade, striker

A £7m target for Manchester United after becoming the top scorer in the Serbian league with 11 goals. Was named captain of the Montenegro Under-21 side aged just 17 and has already made his full international debut. A creative striker who likes to drop deep and run at defenders. He is also a deadly-accurate finisher.


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Guardian Unlimited

Serbia's Rukavina joins Borussia Dortmund

LONDON, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Soccer news in brief from around the world:

* Serbia right back Antonio Rukavina has joined German Bundesliga side Borussia Dortmund from Partizan Belgrade, the Serbian fisrt division leaders said on their Web site (

"Rukavina has signed a 4-1/2--year contract with Borussia Dortmund after passing a medical on Friday and we are sorry to see our captain leave after only 12 months with us," the club said.

The 23-year old has made seven international appearances and scored three goals in 45 matches for Partizan after joining them from neighbours Bezanija.


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[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Sammy set for Serbia?[/FONT]
Monday 21 January, 2008
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Roma forgotten man Samuel Kuffour is set to quit the Giallorossi for a loan deal at Serbian side Partizan Belgrade.

The 31-year-old was voted amongst the 30 greatest African players of all-time by the Confederation of African Football in January 2007, but the Ghanaian star’s career has come off the rails.

After spending last season on loan to Livorno, Kuffour has found himself surplus to requirements at Roma and doesn’t even feature in Luciano Spalletti’s squad.

Kuffour’s contract is set to expire in June and reports suggest that several sides are keeping an eye on the powerful ex-Bayern Munich man.

Serbian Meridian Superliga runners-up Partizan are in pole position to pounce and the Grobari are said to be keen to bring Kuffour in immediately on loan before agreeing a permanent deal in the summer.


Wallpaper Man
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Partizan finish on top in Serbia

FK Partizan won their 20th league title after a 1-0 win at FK Napredak on the final day of the season left them five points clear of last season's champions and city rivals FK Crvena Zvezda, who could only manage a 1-1 draw at FK Hajduk Kula.


Final-day win
Senegalese striker Lamine Diarra scored the only goal for Partizan when he bundled the ball over the line midway through the second half after Djordje Lazić burst down the right and drove a low cross into the box. Needing only a draw to secure the title, Partizan held on comfortably in the closing stages. In Kula, Igor Burzanović gave Crvena Zvezda a 36th-minute lead but, knowing Partizan were winning, faded and conceded a Nikola Komazeć equaliser late on. Partizan, who completed the domestic double after winning the Serbian Cup earlier this month, will enter the UEFA Champions League at the second qualifying round next season while Crvena Zvezda, FK Vojvodina and cup finalists FK Zemun will enter the UEFA Cup first qualifying round.


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Partizan clinch league title in Serbia

Written by: Jonathan Roorda
2008-05-26 01:27:18

Partizan supporters
KRUSEVAC, May 25 (SW) - Partizan Belgrado are champions of Serbia after a small but sufficient win at Napredak Krusevac on Sunday night.

The 1-0 win in Krusevac was enough for Partizan to take the Serbian title as local rivals Crvena Zvezda were held to a 1-1 draw by Hajduk Kula.

Partizan have been showing a great form as of late, having won all of their last ten matches - of which eight in the league - and not having been beaten in the last 18 games.

The race for the Serbian title had been close in recent weeks as Crvena Zvezda have been showing a good performance as well, with today's draw being their first loss of points in nine league games.


European Football

Partizan Belgrade win Serbian league title

18:06 BST, Sun 25 May 2008



By Zoran Milosavljevic

BELGRADE, May 25 (Reuters) - Partizan Belgrade won their 20th league title on Sunday after a 1-0 win at Napredak Krusevac on the final day of the season marred by crowd trouble.
Partizan finished five points ahead of last season's champions and city rivals Red Star and completed the domestic double after winning the cup earlier this month.
Red Star's match at Hajduk Kula, which ended 1-1, started 20 minutes late after their fans clashed with riot police. Fans also delayed the start of the second half when they threw paper rolls on to the pitch.
Partizan will play in the Champions League second qualifying round next season while Red Star, Vojvodina Novi Sad and cup finalists Zemun, who were relegated into the third division, will enter the UEFA Cup preliminary stages.
Senegalese striker Lamine Diarra handed Partizan the win when he bundled the ball over the line midway through the second half after Djordje Lazic burst down the right and drove a low cross into the box.
The home team's keeper Sasa Stamenkovic had kept Partizan at bay with four superb saves and the visitors survived a scare at the other end when Bratilav Punosevac had Mladen Bozovic at full stretch with a powerful header.
Needing only a draw to secure the title, Partizan held on comfortably in the closing stages and their fans invaded the pitch after the final whistle to kickstart the celebrations.
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Partizan conquista a Copa da Sérvia
Partizan conquista a Copa da Sérvia
Juca, ex-Bota e Flu, comemora seu primeiro título no país
Marcos Felipe Do GLOBOESPORTE.COM, no Rio de Janeiro
Juca carrega orgulhoso o troféu da Copa da Sérvia
O Partizan Belgrado, do brasileiro Juca (ex-Botafogo, Fluminense e Internacional), conquistou na última quarta-feira o título da Copa da Sérvia. Na decisão, a equipe da capital bateu o Zemun por 3 a 0, com três gols do senegalês Diarra.

Foi o décimo caneco da Copa da Sérvia conquistado pelo Partizan e o primeiro título de Juca no país. O brasileiro virou ídolo da equipe após jogar (e marcar um gol) no clássico como Estrela Vermelha. O detalhe é que ele disputou o dérbi sérvio com o braço quebrado.

- Estou muito contente, meu braço já está OK e, de quebra, levantei meu primeiro troféu aqui. Agora vamos buscar a dobradinha – afirmou Juca, por MSN, ao GLOBOESPORTE.COM, referindo-se ao título do Campeonato Sérvio. Faltando quatro rodadas para o término do torneio, o Partizan soma 68 pontos, três a mais que o arqui-rival Estrela Vermelha.

Partizan conquista campeonato sérvio e elege brasileiro como grande ídolo
Volante Juca, ex-Botafogo, Fluminense e Internacional, é eleito o melhor jogador da temporada no clube da capital Belgrado
Marcos Felipe Do GLOBOESPORTE.COM, no Rio de Janeiro
Juca veste a camisa comemorativa do título sérvio conquistado pelo Partizan Belgrado
Com uma vitória de 1 a 0 sobre o Napredak, fora de casa, no último final de semana, o Partizan conquistou o campeonato sérvio 2007/2008, terminando a competição com 80 pontos, cinco a mais que o arqui-rival Estrela Vermelha. Foi o 20º título nacional da equipe de Belgrado que conta com o brasileiro Juca, ex-Botafogo, Fluminense e Internacional, no seu elenco.

O brasileiro, por sinal, foi um dos grandes nomes da conquista. Além de ser eleito o melhor jogador da temporada 07/08 pelos torcedores em enquete no site oficial do Partizan, Juca também recebeu o prêmio pelo gol mais bonito da temporada, marcado no clássico contra o Estrela Vermelha, pela emissora sérvia “SOS Sports TV”.

A devoção pelo brasileiro foi tanta que, segundo Vlada Jaric, assessor de imprensa do Partizan, a torcida ficou gritando “Juca, Juca, Juca” durante dez minutos após o final da partida.

- Nunca, na história do Partizan, um jogador estrangeiro teve seu nome gritado dessa maneira – conta Vlada.

Contente com toda a idolatria, Juca lembra que, além do campeonato nacional, o Partizan também levantou o caneco da Copa da Sérvia.

- Estou muito feliz com todas essas conquistas e não tenho palavras para retribuir o carinho dessa torcida. Além do campeonato sérvio, ganhamos também a Copa da Sérvia. Agora é curtir as férias – ressalta Juca, que chega ao Brasil nesta quarta-feira.
De braço quebrado, brasuca decide clássico
Juca, ex-Bota e Flu, vira ídolo no Partizan Belgrado após duelo com o Estrela Vermelha
Marcos Felipe Do GLOBOESPORTE.COM, no Rio de Janeiro

Juca comemora seu gol dando um soco no ar com o braço direito enfaixado
O volante Juca, ex-Botafogo e Fluminense, ganhou status de ídolo no futebol da Sérvia no último final de semana. O brasileiro marcou o gol salvador que garantiu o empate do Partizan Belgrado contra o arqui-rival Estrela Vermelha. O resultado manteve sua equipe na liderança do Campeonato nacional local. O detalhe é que ele atuou com o braço direito quebrado... e sem uma proteção especial!
- Três dias antes do clássico levei uma bolada no braço durante o treinamento. Doeu pra burro. Fui direto para o hospital. Após tirar o raio-x o médico me disse: ‘você quebrou o braço e vai ter que operar’. Falei para ele que não podia operar pois tinha um clássico no sábado – conta Juca, por telefone, de Belgrado, ao GLOBOESPORTE.COM.
Revoltado com a situação, Juca foi a outro especialista, que o livrou de uma possível cirurgia, limitando-se a engessar seu braço, utilizando uma proteção especial feita a base de plástico.
Saiba mais
• » ACHEI! Juca, o bombardeiro do Partizan
• » Pato e Luca Toni classificam o Bayern
• » Carrapatos ameaçam a Eurocopa
- Mas ele disse que não daria para eu jogar. Só que eu insisti com o técnico e ele acabou me escalando – revela o brasileiro, que acabou tendo uma outra surpresa instantes antes do início do dérbi de Belgrado.
- O árbitro mandou eu tirar a proteção. Joguei apenas com uma munhequeira, recheada com espumas. A sorte é que ninguém me bateu nessa região, caso contrário estava ferrado – diz Juca, aos risos.
Aos 27 anos, o brasileiro, que tem contrato de dois anos com o Partizan, afirma que não pretende deixar o clube.
- Estou muito bem aqui e sou querido pelos torcedores e dirigentes. Agora vamos buscar esse título e, conseqüentemente, uma vaga na próxima Liga dos Campeões – ressalta. Com 55 pontos, o Partizan está cinco pontos na frente do Estrela Vermelha faltando cinco rodadas para o término do Campeonato Sérvio.

ACHEI! Juca, o bombardeiro do Partizan
Ex-volante do Bota agradece ajuda de Petkovic e diz que não usa vermelho na Sérvia

Marcos Felipe Do GLOBOESPORTE.COM, no Rio de Janeiro

Site oficial
Juca (centro) veste a camisa que homenageia seu forte chute
Nada de balinha. Juca agora é bombardeiro. Em pouco mais de quatro meses no futebol da Sérvia, o ex-volante do Internacional, Botafogo e Fluminense ganhou o apelido no Partizan Belgrado, um dos clubes mais tradicionais da antiga Iugoslávia. Apesar de estar em um país que não costuma contratar muitos brasileiros, o jogador, de 27 anos, não se arrepende.
- Para mim está sendo uma experiência muito boa. Eu tive uma adaptação muito rápida ao povo daqui. As pessoas aqui me tratam muito bem e são extremamente apaixonadas por futebol. Além disso, o Partizan tem uma estrutura fantástica – conta Juca, por e-mail, ao GLOBOESPORTE.COM, explicando a origem do apelido, que virou até camisa.
- Segundo o pessoal, é por causa do meu chute que é forte. Uma pessoa do marketing do clube um dia me falou: ‘Juca, os dirigentes planejam fazer uma camisa especial para você porque eles estão muito contentes com você’. Daí, no outro dia ele me aparece com a camisa com essa frase (Nota: ‘o bombardeiro brasileiro do Partizan’) – conta Juca, revelando que a camisa durou pouco tempo no estoque da boutique do clube (“os torcedores compraram tudo”).
Sem falar quase nada de sérvio e ainda fazendo curso de inglês, Juca encontra um pouco de problema na hora de se comunicar. No entanto, a dificuldade só não é maior por causa da ajuda que o jogador recebeu de um dos maiores ídolos do país: Petkovic, meia do Santos.
Volante Juca, ex-Botafogo, Inter e Fluminense, em ação pelo Partizan
- Conheci ele (Petkovic) um pouco antes dele ir para o Santos. É uma pessoa que me ajudou bastante. O irmão dele, Boban, também me ajuda aqui até hoje na minha adaptação ao país. Aqui ele É uma referência, porque onde você fala dele aqui todo mundo conhece e todos falam muito bem – observa Juca, que foi para a Sérvia sozinho para não atrapalhar os estudos da filha no Brasil.

Vermelho? Nem pensar...
Se fora de campo Juca procura ainda se ambientar aos costumes da Sérvia, dentro de campo o jogador já está adaptado. Mas isso não quer dizer que o jogador cometa alguns vacilos...
- Aqui, nosso principal rival é o Estrela Vermelha, e realmente é uma rivalidade muito grande. Inclusive eu tinha até uma camiseta vermelha que, obviamente, é a cor do nosso rival. Me disseram para dar a camisa. Ou seja, usar vermelho aqui na Sérvia nem pensar (risos) – brinca Juca, que é um dos principais jogadores do Partizan, atual líder do Campeonato Sérvio.

Ако има неко ко зна португалски, било би сјајно да преведе...


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Page not found?! :confused

Знам да Гугл зна, али мислио сам да ли има неко баш са знањем португалског, јер ти Гугл преводи су...проблематични.


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Ја унесем цео линк, али он прикаже само један део. Код мене на Фајерфоксу је подешено да једним кликом отварам линкове (не морам да их селектује итд.), и отвара ми баш тај линк који сам унео.
Што се тиче самог превода, прилично је разумљиво, с обзиром да боље и не можемо добити. :(


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I ja mogu da otvorim sa firefox-om,desni klik i open in new tab.Tekst je manje vise vec vidjen,veci deo je o derbiju kada je Zuka igrao sa polomljenom rukom ,i o njegovim igrama u finisu prvenstva i kupu.Prevod je ok mada moze da bude i bolji


Del boy
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... Pourquoi avoir choisi de rejoindre Tottenham alors que plusieurs grands clubs étrangers vous voulaient ?
P-J.M: « Parce qu'il s'agit de la premičre équipe qui est venue aux nouvelles et que c'est la premičre formation qui m'a montré un tel intérêt. En plus de cela, ils m'ont recruté sans me faire passer de test malgré ce qui a pu être dit dans certains médias. Moi, je voulais vraiment rejoindre l'Angleterre car j'y ai de la famille. Plusieurs d'entre eux habitent à 10 voire 15 minutes d'où je serai. Et puis, des occasions pareilles, nous n'en avons pas deux dans une vie. En ce qui concerne les clubs qui me voulaient, je peux juste vous dire qu'il y avait deux clubs anglais, trois clubs espagnols, deux clubs hollandais, trois clubs français et le Partizan de Belgrade. »



Igokea claimed its seventh straight Serbian crown on Wednesday by
downing Hemofarm Stada 45-67 on the road in Game 4 of the best-of-five
finals series. Milt Palacio netted 15 points, Dusan Kecman scored 14
and Milenko Tepic recorded 9 points and 7 assists for the winners, who
forced Hemofarm into 18 turnovers en route to the road win. Partizan
also outrebounded Hemofarm 26-35, led by Nikola Pekovic with 10. It was
Partizan’s third title this season – Adriatic League, Serbian Cup and
Serbian League championship – and head coach Dusko Vujosevic's men beat
Hemofarm in the final every time. Partizan used a 2-10 second-period
run to take a double-digit lead and then a pair of Milt Palacio triples
made it 21-37 at halftime. Partizan cruised from that point as the lead
reached 20 early in the fourth quarter and peaked at 24 on the way to a
comfortable win. Milivoje Bozovic scored 11 to lead Hemofarm in defeat.


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The esteemed World Soccer magazine has unveiled its choice for the world's top 50 rivalries.

1. Real Madrid-Barcelona
2. Boca-River
3. Celtic-Rangers
4. Galatasaray-Fenerbahce
5. Ajax-Feyenoord
6. Lazio-Roma
7. Schalke-Dortmund
8. Al Ahly-Zamalek (Ahly has roots in Egypt's anti-colonial struggle, Zamalek is seen as the club of the priviledged.)
9. Betis-Sevilla
10. Partizan-Red Star
11. Marseille-PSG
12. Juventus-Fiorentina
13. Flamengo-Vasco
14. Olympiakos-Panathanaikos
15. Milan-Inter
16. Bilbao-Sociedad
17. Benfica-Porto
18. Corinthians-Sao Paulo
19. Racing-Independiente
20. America-Chivas
21. Nacional-Penarol
22. Pirouzi-Esteghlal
23. Spartak-CSKA
24. Steaua-Dinamo
25. Kaizer Chiefs-Orlando Pirates
World Soccer



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Partizan progress a must for Paunović

Wednesday 6 August 2008 by Aleksandar Bosković from Belgrade

Veljko Paunović has called on his team-mates to be at the top of their game
(©Getty Images)

FK Partizan striker Veljko Paunović believes the Serbian champions can shape their season by seeing off the challenge of their UEFA Champions League second qualifying round opponents FC İnter Bakı in the deciding leg on Wednesday.

Unfinished business
Defeating the Azeri title-holders would put Partizan within a tie of the group stage of Europe's premier club competition, with the knowledge that even a loss in the next round would mean a transfer to the UEFA Cup first round. However, Paunović knows there is plenty of work to be done to guarantee progress despite securing a score draw in the tie's away leg. "It was a good result for us," he said. "It is always good to achieve a 1-1 draw away from home but the history of football warns us not to take anything for granted. Azeri players are much better than they were ten years ago and we must not forget that."

'More class'
The 30-year-old started his professional life at Partizan and has returned to the club after a career spent mainly in Spain, latterly with UD Almería. He feels his side should have enough quality to progress, saying: "I believe we have more class, but performing on the pitch is what it's about." After starting well in Baku and taking the lead in the fourth minute, he admits Partizan lost their way in the second half and has now called on his team-mates to raise their game. "We were content when leading but İnter showed a lot of patience and confidence," he said. "We must try to capitalise on our advantages in second leg from the first minute. If we focus and stay right on top of our game then we have a very good chance."

Decisive match
Should they succeed, Partizan are likely to meet Fenerbahçe SK in the third qualifying round after the Turkish side's 2-0 win over MTK Budapest, although Paunović is not getting ahead of himself. "There is not a chance I will consider that yet and I know the whole team feel the same. Our minds are on this match against İnter and we can think about other games when the time comes. This match is decisive for us. It's our second of the season and to can make it we must give it our all."


Old School
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Classy indeed! :mrgreen:

Classy Partizan seal progress

Wednesday 6 August 2008
Match report by Erkin Ibragimov

FK Partizan outclassed FC İnter Bakı in Belgrade with a 2-0 second-leg win that secured a 3-1 overall triumph and a UEFA Champions League third qualifying round meeting with Fenerbahçe SK.

İnter chance

Last week's 1-1 draw in Azerbaijan left Valentyn Khodukin's team knowing they needed to score away from home, but it was the hosts who dominated the first half. In fact, only a couple of impressive saves from goalkeeper Svilen Simeonov kept the scores level at the interval, but İnter added a little more pace to their game after the break and could have gone ahead when Makhmud Gurbonov's shot was parried away by Mladen Božović in the Partizan goal.

Open match

Gurbonov and his team-mates were made to rue that missed chance ten minutes later as the hosts finally broke the deadlock, Brazilian midfielder Liliano Roberto Antonello ending his solo run with a precise drive into the far corner from 18 metres out. That forced the Azeri champions to add numbers up front and the match opened up as a result, with İnter winger Elvin Mammadov beating a defender on 73 minutes before directing his shot over. Soon afterwards, Partizan caught their opponents on the break, as Diarra Lamina turned in a rebound with six minutes remaining after Nenad Marinković's initial attempt had come back off a post.



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Partizan stay top, Red Star go bottom in Serbia

Aug 31, 2:37 pm EDT

  • Buzz Up

By Zoran Milosavljevic
BELGRADE, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Serbian champions Partizan Belgrade stretched their perfect league start to three matches after two goals by Zoran Tosic and a third by Nenad Djordjevic gave them a 3-0 win at OFK Belgrade on Sunday.
Partizan are top, two points ahead of promoted Javor Ivanjica, who enjoyed a shock 2-0 away defeat of Red Star Belgrade that sent the 1991 European Cup winners to the bottom of the 12-team first division.
Serbia winger Tosic fired Partizan ahead in the first half with a crisp shot and sealed the win in the closing stages after Djordjevic had curled in a 50th-minute free kick.
At other end of Serbia’s capital, riot police were deployed near the touchline to prevent angry Red Star fans from staging a pitch invasion after their club sank to a new low.

Thursday’s UEFA Cup second qualifying round elimination by Cypriots APOEL Nicosa forced Red Star’s board to step down and Javor inflicted more misery on them with a classy second-half performance.
Midfielder Nikola Simic set up Javor’s opening goal for Miljan Mutavdzic and then rifled in the second as the visitors threatned to score every time they came forward.
Elsewhere, Vojvodina Novi Sad climbed to third, three points behind the leaders, after a late goal by defender Igor Djuric gave them a 2-1 home win over Cukaricki Belgrade.

Yahoo sports


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Нема опуштања за Тошића

Tošić taking stardom in his stride

Zoran Tošić is enjoying the best moments of his career so far with FK Partizan, but the 21-year-old left-winger insists he is still just "a normal guy who loves his dog, his home town of Zrenjanin and his girlfriend Dijana".

Inspired change
A few years ago, there was little to distinguish Tošić from a raft of teenage players in Serbia. However, his life was to change dramatically after Nikola Rakojević, his coach at hometown club FK Banat Zrenjanin, decided to try him out on the left. Inspired in his new position, he reached the 2007 UEFA European Under-21 Championship final with Serbia, and moved to Partizan in the summer.


Emerging star
If the summer of 2007 was a good one for Tošić, the summer of 2008 has been truly sensational. Fresh from a trip to the Olympics, Tošić has emerged as the star of the new season in Serbia with four goals in the league and another in Partizan's 2-1 UEFA Cup first round first-leg win at FC Timiºoara. He has demonstrated his genius from free-kicks and scored a 30-metre effort from open play in his last league game.

Ongoing efforts
"These are great times, the best of my life," he told "I always work hard, but all players can say that. However I believe in honest work. If you give 100 per cent each day and in every training session, then playing well is like a glorious gift. Now, I am enjoying myself but am looking to work harder, because a few games do not mean anything. It can all turn in a few weekends."

Beginner's luck
Having had "a great experience" at the Olympics in China, Tošić had very little time off before starting the season with Partizan, but he and his club hit the ground running. With arch rivals FK Crvena Zvezda in crisis, Partizan top the table and a draw at home to Timiºoara on Thursday would take them into the UEFA Cup group stage.

European target
"When results go your way, you have no pressure, which is very important," he said. "We started well and want to carry on the same way and reach the UEFA Cup group stage. European competition means so much for us and we to test ourselves against strong opponents. If we can do well in Europe, we will have the best proof of our calibre. I really believe that."

Staying grounded
Tošić is also likely to have games to play in the FIFA World Cup, having played in Serbia's first two qualifiers. "I am really optimist about Serbia's future, but let us prove that on the pitch," he said. However, he is adamant that his new star status will not change him, calling himself "a normal guy who loves his dog, his home town of Zrenjanin, his girlfriend Dijana and going to the cinema".
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Највећи фудбалски преокрети, а ту је наравно и Партизан...

World Cup - Great Sporting Turnarounds

Eurosport - Thu, 18 Oct 07:02:00 2007

England face South Africa in Saturday's World Cup final a shade over five weeks after being humbled 36-0 by the Springboks in the pool phase. Do Brian Ashton's men have any hope of a remarkable reversal of fortunes in Paris? Here's six moments from history to give you hope.

Puskas, Kocsis and Hidegkuti ran riot as Hungary beat West Germany 8-3 in the group phase of the 1954 World Cup final. Two weeks later the final appeared to be going the same way as the Magic Magyars took a 2-0 lead inside eight minutes. But the Germans were on level terms a mere ten minutes later and six minutes from the end Helmut Rahn drove home the winner.
Crystal Palace's return to the top flight saw them thumped 9-0 at Anfield in the fifth game of the season with eight difference players on the scoresheet. Less than seven months later the sides met again at Villa Park in the FA Cup semi-final. Liverpool held a 1-0 lead at half-time but a late Andy Gray equaliser levelled the match at 3-3 and took the game into extra-time where the winner was scored by Eagles midfielder Alan Pardew.


QPR cruised through the first leg of their UEFA Cup second round match at Loftus Road, winning 6-2 courtesy of goals from John Gregory, Wayne Fereday, Simon Stainrod, Warren Neill and a Gary Bannister double. But it was all different in the old Yugoslavia as Partizan won 4-0, scoring all their goals in the opening 64 minutes. Manager Alan Mullery got the boot soon after.

Lest not forget the first Ashes Test two years ago was finished on the fourth afternoon - Glenn McGrath had torn through England's batting, Australia had won by 239 runs and the satchel swingers had the price of a 5-0 whitewash lower than a home series victory. Seven weeks later, Michael Vaughan was lifting the small urn after victories at Edgbaston and Trent Bridge and Andrew Flintoff was staggering onto a bus.
The Red Sox found themselves 3-0 down in the American League Championship Series against arch-rivals, the New York Yankees. In Game 4, the Red Sox found themselves facing elimination, trailing 4-3 in the ninth inning before going on to win the game on a two-run home run by David Ortiz in the 12th inning. They then took the series 4-3 - only the third time in US professional sports history that a team had come back to win a seven game series when down by three.
Just to show it can be done in rugby, rhe Tigers' European Cup hopes had looked down and out when they lost 33-0 away at Ulster but the Midlanders produced a rousing reverse six days later at Welford Road. Tries from centre Leon Lloyd, Neil Back and Jaro van der Westhuyzen sealed the points for Dean Richards side in a thumping 49-7 victory - a 75 point improvement in a week!
Lee Walker / Eurosport